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RV Roof Vents

Good air quality is essential if you want to enjoy your journey. Dometic provides flexible ventilation solutions to keep you (and your equipment) in good condition. Our roof window/vent comes with an integrated – and energy-efficient – variable-speed fan for maximum comfort and convenience. Which means you can look forward to fresh air without it costing you a fortune. You can choose between manual and automatic operation.

    4 products|Sort
    Dometic 7350 Fan-Tastic Vent Roof Fan

    Dometic 7350 Fan-Tastic Vent Roof Fan

    Fan-Tastic Vent Fan 7350 with reversible blade direction. Variable Speed Fan, Automatic Dome Lift, Thermostat, Rain Sensor, Remote, Smoke Dome and White Interior

    Dometic 3350 Fan-Tastic Vent Roof Fan

    Dometic 3350 Fan-Tastic Vent Roof Fan

    Fan-Tastic Vent Fan 3350 with reversible blade direction. 3 Speed Fan, Automatic Dome Lift, Thermostat, Rain Sensor, Smoke Dome and White Interior

    Dometic 2250 Fan-Tastic Vent Roof Fan

    Dometic 2250 Fan-Tastic Vent Roof Fan

    Fan-Tastic Vent Fan 2250 with reversible blade direction. 3 Speed Fan, Manual Dome Lift, Thermostat, Smoke Dome and White Interior

    Sold in our dealer network
    Dometic 1450 Roof Vent Fan

    Dometic 1450 Roof Vent Fan

    Model 1450 12-Volt Vent Fan with reversible blade direction. Smoke Dome with Universal White Base & White Interior

    Showing 4 out of 4 products