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Land vehicle Products

End Consumer Product Support - Phone: 1-800-544-4881
E-Mail - customersupportcenter@dometic.com
End Consumer Online Order Support – email: customersupport@dometic.com

Marine Products

Fuel Systems   
Customer/Tech Support: (931) 738-8090, orders@dometic.com 
After Market Distribution Center (Sierra, Moeller, Shields, Refrigeration, Portable Sanitation) 
Customer Support: lit-marinecs@dometic.com 
Technical Support: 800-730-4082 opt 2, support@sierraparts.com 
Air Conditioning
Address: 2000 N. Andrews Avenue, Pompano Beach, FL 33069
Phone number: 800-542-2477 
Address: 1 Sierra Place, Litchfield, IL 62056
Phone number: 877-663-8396
Customer Support: 802-362-5258, vermontorders@dometic.com 
Technical Support: 802-362-5258, vermontreturns@dometic.com 
Customer/Tech Support: 800-321-9886
Digital Switching and Control 
Customer/Tech Support: 722-210-2403
Customer/Tech Support: 256.772.3829 
Electronic / Hydraulic Steering 
Customer Support: marine.CS@dometic.com 
Technical Support: 800-730-4082 opt 4 and 5, marinesupport@dometic.com
Mechanical Steering, Controls, Cables 
Customer Support: cs.mechanical@dometic.com 
Technical Support: 800-730-4082 opt 3, marinesupport@dometic.com