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This page is about You. And Us. Together.


Because we’re the same. All we want is simple access to a rich outdoor life, filled with adventure and fun. We come up with the stuff, the solutions that open the door to all sorts of exploration. But you and your curiosity are what drive us to keep inventing, improving, and perfecting the things that make the couch worth leaving.

So, who exactly comprises "us"? We are a quite diverse group of hikers, backpackers, wanderers, boaters, adventurers, surfers, vanlifers, climbers, skiers and fishers. But also teachers, nurses, scientists, artists, moms, activists, conservationists, researchers, musicians and designers. Un-sung heroes of the outdoors, who all in our own way need a passage to nature and exploration - to be happy, be creative and be alive. Our tribe is roaming all corners of the globe, and has an inspiring spread from seasoned overlanders to passionate everyday explorers with zero tent nights. We all belong. And we’re all in it together.

We’re holding the door to exploration, wide, wide open. Are you coming? This Way Out.

Dometic tribe, people using Dometic outdoor products
Dometic tribe, people using Dometic outdoor products
Industrial designers working at Dometic

It all started with a dynamic bunch of lab coats armed with engineering degrees in Stockholm, who became obsessed with innovation for human life outside the home. As part of Swedish Electrolux, we swi<ly conquered compact refrigeration, evolving into masters of climate systems and a full spectrum of solutions for cooking, shelter, cooling, marine and power needs. Our focus? Unwavering commitment to cutting-edge design and tech, specifically tailored for small spaces on the move – from cars and boats to RVs and overlanding rigs.

Designing Outdoor Tech

Today we’re a global leader in outdoor tech. Not everything we make has circuit boards, but the engineering mindset of Dometic is always there to shape and influence design, usability, progressiveness and quality – so that even a camping bench, or a tent, has gone through the same meticulous development. It’s just theway we are wired.


Dometic hero products, a cooler, cool bag and a battery
Dometid hero products, an air conditioner, jug & facuet and trim tab system

You care. We care.


We are painfully aware of our own part of the problem, and therefore recognize our accountability in striving for solutions. As humans, we travel, we explore and we use stuff. Every little thing produced, manufactured, shipped and used on this earth comes with a cost to the environment, on which we depend for future survival as a species. So, should we seize our operations, and hope for the best?

Or continue, and take responsibility for the outcome. Because, we’re on to something. Just as other industries create progress from within to become part of the solution – we must commit to the same dedication, to re-invent everything from material sourcing and innovation, manufacturing, energy, coloring, use of water and chemicals, shipping, recycling, recyclability, repair and self-repair. All while establishing fair pay, equality and safety. Leaving this to others is not taking responsibility. But pledging to lead us all to a point where we can keep exploring the natural wonders of this planet, is.

Read up on our sustainability work here.

This Way Out

You’ve made it to the bottom of the page – congrats. By now, we hope you know us a bit better. We’re bound to go further and keep inventing, that’s for sure. Because we’re all nomads, it’s ingrained deep in our DNA. The urge to see what’s around the bend is simply very human.


We kick the door open to everyday exploration, for anyone, anywhere. Having no idea and doing it anyway. Nature is for all – experience or no experience. Plan or no plan.

So, as we journey together, whether it’s packing our bags, loading up our cars, boats, or rigs, there’s really only one question that should linger in our minds:

Where to next?